Running Readers

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And do you know what they both found, the boy and the girl, on opposite sides of the rainbow? 

The boy, the man, who was a fisher, who couldn't paint anything useful, found he actually had. He had painted a soup can. His name was Andy Warhol. He went on to meet Martin Luther King Jr., Malala Yousafzai, Gandhi. (Just kidding—he wasn't Andy Warhol. He was his own Andy.)

The girl, the woman, who had thought of being a painter, or a fisher, or the greatest frog-skipper in the world, decided painting wasn't for her, decided to become the greatest frog-skipper in the world. It may have sounded ridiculous, but it was perfect—she put on her own frog-skipping show. In fact, you can see it at the Great Frog-Skipping Show in Calaveras County—what? You don't believe me? That's fine. I don't need you to.

You can believe anything you want, just promise me one thing—

You'll do all the amazing things you want to do.

Her name is You.

—His too.

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