Running Readers

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In the summer of 2011, Dole, the huge banana company, invaded Sri Lanka. I know. It sounds bad, doesn't it.



What made it even worse was at the time I was eating a huge yellow banana. I know a lot of you probably eat bananas but the thing that made it worse is I did it. I wasn't just any ordinary person. I called myself a "Man of Science." I was what you call a Tree Major. When you grow up (or if you're already old) you'll come to know that there's a lot of things in the world that you really should care about. One of these things is the construction and the complete and utter harmony of the world, how everything is put together just so. Just so freakin' amazing. =) It's hard for me to write this, knowing what's already happened. But I'm going to do my best. I know I need a lot of suspense, but I've never really done this before so if my best isn't good enough I hope you'll understand. :) I've always wanted to be published. I've always wanted to see what I can be. I hope I can be amazing, too, and you can come look for me. I have a lot of great ideas. Like My Story Ink :) I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize. I want to save the world :) 
